Industry News

Why does voltage lead current in an inductor?

Why does voltage lead current in an inductor?

From what I've read, an inductor is designed to store energy in the form of a magnetic flux. A simple inductor can be thought of as a coil of wires around a medium. The current causes the flux to go through each turn of the coil. Further examination and Faraday's law leads to this model.

v= N * D(magnetic flux)

Because the current inside the coil is what generates the flux, the voltage will change first, before the flowing electrons will get all the way through the inductor.

The inductance constant L is the Number of turns in the wire times the ratio of the current i to the magnetic flux, which is usually a constant.

L = N*flux/i

Which leads to this relationship between voltage and current in an inductor:

v = L* D(i)

The D() function being a derivative. Because the derivative of the current will change before the current actually does, voltage leads current in an inductor.