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The effects of Harmonics on transformers

The effects of Harmonics on transformers

In a typical Delta-Wye transformer, the triplen harmonics

(i.e. odd order harmonic that are multiples of three, such as the 3rd, 9th, 15th etc), will circulate only within the primary delta winding and will not be observed in the power source before the transformer.

Other odd harmonics, such as the 5th, 7th etc. do appear in the power source.

Triplen harmonics in the wye secondary are in phase in the neutral so add together.

What is K-Factor ?

An indicator of the transformers ability to handle non-sinusoidal loads

ANSI/IEEE Standard C57.110 Recommended Practice for Establishing Transformer Capability
When Supplying Nonsinusoidal Load Currents, provides a method of quantifying harmonic currents.

Recognized K-Factor values – K-4; K-9; K-13; K-20; K-30; K-50

Underwriters Laboratories selected these values as an industry standard.

An eddy current loss multiplier

The numbers assigned to the K-Factor values represent the number by which the winding eddy current losses of the transformer must be multiplied, to obtain the total value of winding losses when subjected to a non-sinusoidal waveform.