1100 Amp DC Smoothing choke

1100 Amp DC Smoothing choke

1100 Amp DC Smoothing choke

1100 Amp DC Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

Product Description

1100 Amp DC Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

A smoothing choke is an inductor which is used for filtering, i.e. reducing the ripple, in power supplies. They contain gapped iron cores and a coil with two leads, the start and finish of the coil. The current flowing through an inductor cannot change instantaneously, i.e. the inductor resists change in current flow, making it a perfect solution for reducing the ripple in the output caused by the rectifier of a D.C. power supply. 






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