500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke DC. Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of a.c. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

Product Description

500 Amp DC Choke

The advantages of DC choke.
1) Smoothing.
Will smooth the voltage wave of a load fed from a rectifier, i.e. reduces the ripple content of the DC output. The ripple will be reduced to a level depending upon the value of the inductance of the DC choke. A smaller ripple content will result in lower power losses in the equipment and therefore reduced heat.
2) Harmonic reduction. 
DC chokes and AC line reactors both mitigate harmonics. They also help to reduce the peak value of the input current in variable frequency drives.
3) Voltage Drop
For the same value of impedance percent, a DC choke will cause a lower voltage drop on the system than an AC reactor. A DC choke will reduce the ripple voltage has little effect on the DC bus voltage.
4) Surge Current Protection
A voltage sag can cause a significant voltage drop on the DC bus. When voltage is restored to its normal level, there will be a sudden current surge. Since an inductor resists a change in current, the DC choke will limit the current inrush during restoration of voltage and therefore protect the drive components.

DC. Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of a.c. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke

500 Amp DC Choke



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