600 Amp DC Choke

600 Amp DC Choke

600 Amp DC Choke

600 Amp DC Choke .DC. Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

Product Description

600 Amp DC Choke .DC. Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

A choke is an inductor used in a DC circuit. It is in the form of a coil and can be wound around a core of electrical steel, or can be used as a coil without a core.

Air core choke

An air core choke, as its name implies, has no iron core and so the relationship between current and inductance is linear. It will not saturate. The air core choke is therefore ideal for current limiting purposes due to the fact that a choke will resist any change in current and the higher the current, the higher is the inductance.

Iron core choke

Most chokes have a ferromagnetic core, which can provide a higher value of inductance compared with an air core choke.  However, if the choke is subjected to a current greater than its maximum rated current, the iron core will saturate and the inductance will then be equal only to the inductance of the coil if no core were present, i.e. the air core inductance. The iron core consists of many thin electrical steel laminations which are insulated from each other, in order to reduce losses due to hysteresis and eddy currents. In very small chokes for electronic equipment, the core may be of ferromagnetic powder.


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