3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke DC. Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

Product Description

3350 Amp DC Choke

DC chokes are an economical method of filtering and controlling the DC bus voltage and current in a variable speed drive application. They also help to reduce AC input line harmonic current distortion and can reduce the effect of DC bus voltage transients. 

DC CHOKES  do not cause an AC input line voltage drop, like an AC line reactor. DC link Chokes are typically connected in the positive DC bus, but can also be used in both the positive and negative buses, in which case each inductor will have a value of half the total required inductance. To obtain the best results, a combination of an AC line reactor and a DC Link Choke should be used.

DC Smoothing choke – Connected in the direct current output of a rectifier circuit, to reduce the level of ac. ripple. Maybe iron cored or air cored.

3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke

3350 Amp DC Choke



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